WEC - Profile
Govt. Degree College, Gummalakshmipuram - Profile
The Women Empowerment Cell was constituted under the Chairmanship of the Principal of this college, Dr.T. Sreevaram. Since then, the cell has been addressing the needs of the women staff and girl students in the college. The Government Degree College,Gummalakshmipuram has nearly 204 students in UG Courses. Hence WEC has been striving hard to protect and safe guard their Rights by organising various events, counselling and awareness programmes on career guidance, Health and Education to ensure their all-round development.
Job Chart:
1. Celebrating Events for the all-round development of the girls students
- Conducted Aids and Bike Rallies
- Observing World Literacy Day
- Observing Child Education day
- Observing International Women’s Day
- Observing Aids Day
2. Awareness Programmes and Interactive sessions on
- Anti-Ragging
- sexual harassments
- carrier Guidance
- personality development
- Health and hygiene
3. Conducted Competitions for girls to bring out Talents and Creativity
- Essay writing
- Elecution
- Rangoli
- Singing
4. Encourage girl’s students for Participating in
- Social services activities
- Swatch Bharat
- Computer Skills
- Counselling sessions by experts, SHE TEAMs and psychiatrists
- Seminars and Workshops on Gender related issues
- Training sessions on self Defence techniques
Administrative Committee:
WEC Chairman: PRINCIPAL - Dr.T Sreevaram
WEC Convenor: Smt.D.Srilakshmi
WEC Members: Smt.V.Kalapana
Gender Equity Programmes : Click Here
Maternity Leaves 180 days G.O : Click Here
Women Special Leaves G.O : Click Here
Women 5 days Additional Casual leaves G.O : Click Here